
About Donna

Hello there. Soooo...these things are a challenge for me; what do I say about myself that people actually WANT to know? I write in all caps, A LOT. I do a lot of run-on sentencing, and I make up words. Like sentencing, not used properly.

I'm passionate about a lot of things. Food, my husband, daughters, our grandkids, food, reading, writing, and food. I love being outside, playing, riding my bike, and the beach. I've recently discovered that I like riding on the back of my hubby's motorcycle. I don't LOVE it (yet), but I'm not terrified.

As of this post, I'm a 3-year cancer survivor.

Last but certainly not least, I'm a Jesus follower and very, very far from perfect. I mess up a lot, and I write about it in case anyone out there can relate. So if you're up for reading about my humanness and failures and tries and more failures with a few opinions thrown in...welcome. I'm happy you're here.